Spare me your Generous Hypocrisy
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Pay absolutely no attention to the new blogskin. It's actually meant to direct you guys away from the fact that I am a mafia. Don Corleo..I mean Mark Kon.

Yeah, in fact, many of life's problems can be easily solved. You just need a tommy gun, and guts of steel.

But more realistically, just a smile, and some understanding. Which is really easier said than done. *reaches for tommy gun, only to put it away* Meh.

I've been blog hopping, and to my amazement, you guys in Nan Hua still link me, which really really got me thankful. *A mafia isnt meant to feel such feelings dammit. Emotionless. Cold. Yes. *clears throat* wait...can you have an asterix within an asterix? Dammit nevermind*

On a more serious note, the fact that I wanted out so bad, but yet you guys still bother to link me after all this bullshit, that honestly I would have punched myself for if I was me, which I am, but in another body I mean. Philosophical much.

So really, a big thanks to all you guys. We should meet up soon, and although I know I most probably will feel damn awkward, probably cause I'm somehow emotionally indebted to you guys in a way that neither you nor I know, hey you guys can do such things for me, whats getting over some imaginary feelings.

Well, I've decided. I'm going to poly, saving myself all the bullshit that I might face in JC, having to be all competitive and outdoing each other. 14 points, Temasek Poly. Yeah. Can't be bothered to aim for Singapore Poly, all those guys that are supposed to be in JC will be there. And it'll be JC out of JC. Nah, can't be bothered enough. Singapore's messed up enough.

I have no idea why, but being in ION just makes me feel super happy. Maybe it's the fact that I feel like I'm not in Singapore..Nah. ( I can't be missing New York that much can I? Damn Rosato Brothers...) I guess its just the whole surreal feeling I get once I step in. I mean, which shopping centre has a B4 level? yeah awesome food though.

I feel like Tekken-ing..but I gotta wait till like next week? Meh. Nvm. I shall crave.

Why do I feel this sudden...feeling whenever I listen to The Academy Is? Suddenly, all that sarcasm, all that smart talk, all that causticness, all gone. I just feel, that I wanna just lie, do nothing, Then I think of the life the people in the song would be living...and then I think of her. Lol, life's so funny.

lavi so hot

D.Gray Man Ftw


1. Get Into (+Loss)
2. Hot Topic Stuff
3. Polytechnic!!! TP FTW
4. That Special Someone
5. TAI to come to Singapore
6. To become pure ownage in Tekken
7. For the weekly Poker between cousins to resume...SOON
8. To get Parasitic Innocence




Clarice helped to change the codes :D

Base Codes: xoxoFLY

Editted by : Aisara
Pic : yes , i know you want it cause lavi's so hot in it Photobucket